Terror on Laura Street

the 2024 season was a massive success!

The four night format worked out beautifully for us! We had over 1400 of you travel into the mine and face the demons within! We are so proud of our fans and very thankful! Stay tuned for the walkthrough video soon! Please email any feedback on this year to feedback@terroronlaurastreet.com and let us know if you want us to be open even more nights next year! THANK YOU!

Making our way in the haunt community

We are proud to attend event leading up to Halloween, like Midsummer Scream in Long Beach.  We love to interact with the Halloween community, and attend events such as LA Haunted Hayride, Queen Mary's Dark Harbor, and Knott's Scary Farm.  

The terror on laura street thanks you for a successful 2023

We would like to thank all of our fans for their support for the 2023 season! We hit over 1100 attendees, a record for our haunt!  We had very many compliments from people like you, so thank you for your kind words and support!  We are already working on next year's terror and we hope that you will join us!  Please check out the walkthrough video and tell your friends! See you next year!!!

Questions? Email us at info@terroronlaurastreet.com

The Terror on Laura Street is located at 501 Laura Street, La Habra, CA, 90631.  Parking is neighboorhood street parking so please be courteous to our neighbors by not blocking driveways and placing any trash in the proper receptacle and not on our neighbors' yards.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! 

A premium experience at an incredible price: free

The Terror on Laura Street is one of the premier experiences at Halloween time in Orange County, CA.  Terrifying props combined with live actors lurking around every corner, all tied together with immersive sound.  Each year is completely new and different, so you'll never know what's coming.

one of the longest running home haunts in orange county, ca

This event has been going on yearly since the mid 2000s, and pulls in over 1000 guests over a three night period.  And it's all absolutely free.

Check out our previous haunts!

We've taken the time to get all of our ideas on video, because we believe that no two years should be the same, bringing you a fresh experience every time.  If you've missed out over the years, fear not! We will bring you the terror up close and personal in high defintion, if you thinking you can handle it! 

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more fears and frights and also behind the scenes content!

meet the crew

alex burkhardt

Owner, Creative Director, Marketing, Designer

From his terrifying mind, the Terror On Laura Street was born.  Starting with small yard displays, his vision grew into the premium offering that is put on today.  Using homemade props combined with clever uses of space and hiding spots, the full immersive experience all takes place in his garage.  

He takes great pride in making the experience different every single year, and loves to hear the blood curdling screams of patrons from within.  

Jordan burkhardt

Marketing Director, Operations, Actor, Music Arrangement, Creative 

The son of Alex, he's been involved in this event since its inception.  He took a brief hiatus in 2013 from the event to take place in Southern California's premiere haunted event; Knott's Scary Farm.  

Returning in 2018, using the skills he learned from being an operations supervisor and a street monster, he has helped change the Terror on Laura Street to the event it is now, using Facebook and Instagram to market and bring in media to help get the word out to even more people attempting to face their fears.

Email him at jordan@willitbreak.productions

Josh rivera

The star of Josh's Food Reviews, Josh takes on another project at "Will it Break?" Productions as he ventures in to the world of creating fear for fun.  Catch him in the maze, if you think you can find him.

Email him at joshrivera@willitbreak.productions 

jasmine burkhardt

Jordan's wife, she has been brought into this demented family affair.  But don't let her fool you, she loves every second of it.  Jasmine also brings experience from Knott's, and uses it to her advantage, scaring the pants off of anyone who dares face her character.

jacob burkhardt

Alex's youngest son, Jacob has been apart of the event for almost as long as his brother.  Jacob brings care to every scare, making sure it's as memorable as it is terrifying.  He hopes you don't mind if he haunts your nightmares while you cringe at yourself for being startled.

Check out our media coverage

Check us out on The Geek Speak Show where we talk about the origins of our haunted house and go over our inspirations in putting on this event.  There's also a ton of pertinent information about this year's event and why we believe hosting a free event goes a long way into inspiring new generations of Halloween fans. 

Halloween Every Night

"Terror on Laura Street in La Habra, Calif. is a home haunt that uses space and scares very effectively for the Halloween 2022 season."

"Terror on Laura Street is a fantastic work of passion that creates some excellent scares through the use of smaill switchback passages and clever midsirection and ambiguity."